Refining Upstream and Midstream Operations
From crude oil to natural gas, Core Minerals has an impressive history of improving the net worth of producing and non-producing energy assets by incorporating a strategic, integrated program managed by an experienced and disciplined Core Minerals Operations Team.
With a history of roller coaster oil and gas prices, rising exploration and production costs, growth in renewables, a low-carbon economy, and global supply volatility, operators in the United States must face these industry challenges by implementing cost management practices without sacrificing safety, technological advancements, and operational efficiencies.

An innovative, disciplined low-cost operator can not only survive a price dive, it will thrive when prices rise.

Refining and directing the efficient operation of oil and gas acquisitions to increase asset value and shareholder return is what we do – and we do it well.
Through the aggregation of complementary properties, the deployment of smart oil and gas technologies, improvements in infrastructure, and investment in human resources, Core Minerals not only works to streamline operations to maximize capital efficiency for the properties we acquire, we make every effort to protect the environmental assets we share within our communities.